Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Responses to 'Missional Church'

What I shared about on Sunday has been on my heart for some time, and I am amazed at how it has been on the hearts of others at the same time. If you haven’t heard it, please take the time to do so and get in on the conversation. Video of the Sermon is posted in the teaching section of the church website (

Before I could leave the front of the church someone greeted me to talk about the idea of our church being engaged in our community. Toward the end he made one of those ‘wouldn’t it be great if...’ statements that when I got it, it summed up what I’m thinking perfectly. ‘Wouldn’t it be great if one day the city had to come to us if they wanted something to happen’. What if the church was the critical player in addressing the needs of the city? I think that is a great vision. Going from irrelevant to relevant.

Others are not quite there, still unsure of the wisdom or viability of engaging the city, but others were already out the door doing the kind of ministry I’m talking about before the service was over. And I’m not kidding. You’ll be hearing more about a huge opportunity to engage in ministry outside of the church shortly. And it’s already happening by God’s wisdom.

I have heard great applications to our church budget. Does our budget need to shift? Yes. Our budget needs to change and so does the way we organize our ministry teams. We must remain committed to teaching our children and serving communion, but somewhere we must say no to things so we can make shifts toward recontextualizing the gospel.

It is unrealistic to wait for me to do everything that needs to be done to shift our church back on vision. And this is my fear. But how encouraging it has been to hear some of us begin to made the applications we need and lead in the areas they are called to do so. Let us continue to talk, dream, encourage, do, and live our God-given mission.

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